#区块链#Meet BigchainDB. The blockchain database.
翻译 - 认识BigchainDB。区块链数据库。
#区块链#OLD & NOT SUPPORTED BigchainDB examples, tutorials & burning experiments
#区块链#Official BigchainDB Java driver
#区块链#BigchainDB integration with HyperLedger Fabric. In collaboration with TheLedger
#区块链#FHIR + Ethereum + BigchainDB + IPFS = Decentralized stack for Personal Health Records management
A GraphQL interface for BigchainDB in JavaScript
#区块链#[Lumiata COVID-19 Winner] COVID Immunity testing results registered to the Blockchain for healthcare safety.
#区块链#🅱🅱🅱-routing - a simulation of Network layer protocols with Byzantine Robustness
#区块链#A POC blockchain application used to monitor assets in the food industry.
#区块链#The old, out-of date, BigchainDB whitepaper. Do not read unless you want to be confused.
#区块链#A project for Smart India Hackathon (World's Biggest Hackathon) 2019
The blockchain database network for the decentralized stack
#区块链#A react app showing BigchainDB transactions as a dynamic timeline view.
#区块链#Specs and usage examples from projects done by the BigchainDB Consulting team.
[deprecated] So you wanna use BigchainDB with JavaScript eh?
#区块链#A blockchain-based proof of concept system ensuring the property and immutability of digital documents.