My vs code setup for graphics.h ( I know its old, have to learn because of university they use turbo 😱. Vs code is way better 😍)
Ethornell Buriko General Interpreter open source reimplementation
How to Setup Graphics.h for Visual Studio Code
Simple tool for .bsi format of BGI (Buriko General Interpreter) / Ethornell (visual novel engine).//Простенькое средство для формата .bsi (движка визуальных новелл) BGI (Buriko General Interpreter) / ...
A 2d game made using Borland discontinued Turbo C++ compiler
Today we are going to set up Visual Studio Community Edition for Computer Graphical Programming using graphic.h in C++.
Simple 3D graphics demonstration using the Borland Graphics Interface (BGI) on MS-DOS
Lazarus Graphics- A FULL Rewrite of the BGI in freePascal
实现BGI V1引擎的外挂补丁-->内置补丁 可能适用:文本有BurikoCompiledScriptVer1.00前缀,且文本名无后缀的游戏。