A Home Assistant Integration for Bambu Lab Printers
RFID for 3d printer filament
This repository is dedicated to storing / collecting presets that have been meticulously crafted and optimized for use in 3D printing and slicing applications. Whether you're a 3D printing enthusiast...
Bambu Lab printer firmware URL repository.
StudioBridge is a program that adds Bambu Lab 3D printers from other accessible networks to Bambu Studio
This adapter integrates Bambulab 3D-Printers into ioBroker.
A Python script to upload 3mf's to X1 printers and trigger a print start via MQTT
Bambu Lab observer, receiving events from Bambu Lab printers and building a .CSV file listing all printed timings
A feature-rich Home Assistant dashboard card for monitoring and controlling Bambu Lab 3D printers
Unofficial Golang bindings for communication with BambuLabs 3d printers.
A collection of cards for the Bambu Lab Home Assistant Integration
Integrate your wled lights into bambulab integration within Home Assistant
A magnet remix of the Bambu Poop Chute by Fantasy3DPrintsShop
.NET MAUI app that connects to a bambulab printer via MQTT, then uses a yolov5 model to identify any faliures