Low-latency machine code generation
翻译 - 完整的C ++ x86 / x64 JIT和AOT汇编程序
2D Vector Graphics Engine Powered by a JIT Compiler
翻译 - 由JIT编译器提供动力的2D矢量图形引擎
Shoggoth: Asmjit Based Polymorphic Encryptor
SIGMOD programming contest 2018 solved with code generation
Transforms pascal code to asmjit remote assembly code. Then the code will be prepare to compile with nasm. And the result is a test.asm, and test.o file. The source code is based on msys2 MingW64 GNU ...
A simple script language with the JIT compilation.
A try, to implement a debugger for my own use. Now, published for the public folk. Currently only for 32-Bit Application's.