Fluid, elastic data abstraction and acceleration for BigData/AI applications in cloud. (Project under CNCF)
翻译 - 为云中的 BigData/AI 应用程序提供流畅、弹性的数据抽象和加速。 (CNCF项目)
hadoop-cos(CosN文件系统)为Apache Hadoop、Spark以及Tez等大数据计算框架集成提供支持,可以像访问HDFS一样读写存储在腾讯云COS上的数据。同时也支持作为Druid等查询与分析引擎的Deep Storage
Alluxio Python client - Access Any Data Source with Python
#计算机科学#An operator for managing Alluxio system on Kubernetes cluster
Data lake implementation demo, include iceberg on flink, iceberg on spark, hudi on flink, hudi on spark
Scripts used to run some simple performance benchmarks in Standalone mode on HPC clusters with Alluxio and Spark.
Operator for Alluxio, data orchestration for analytics and machine learning