django-cruds is simple drop-in django app that creates CRUD for faster prototyping
django admin theme base on adminlte ❤️
Bootstrap AdminLTE template adapted to the flask framework
ASP.NET Core Razor Pages version of the original AdminLTE dashboard
Aplikasi Isian Data Siswa SMA / SMK Kurikulum K13
A Django app that takes all of the work out of making a beautiful and functional web application pretty darn quickly (PDQ) using the AdminLTE2 theme.
PHP MySQL CRUD Operations Example using Object Oriented PHP
🇻🇳 A small example for Vietnamese search in DataTables 🇻🇳
Bootstrap 3 Tag Helpers for ASP.NET Core
Django AdminLTE PRO - Premium Starter Template |
This is just AdminLTE (the second version) with the bower_components folder that was cleaned (only dist files).
Sumbidik merupakan Website Pembayaran Donasi Pengembangan atau Pembinaan Pendidikan yang dibuat untuk memudahkan administrasi keuangan SPP yang berada dilingkungan sekolah. Dikembangkan menggunakan Co...
Grails Base Application with AdminLTE2 Template
HACI - HMVC, Adminbootstrap, Codeigniter 3.1.9, IonAuth - Frontend and Backend Application
세종대학교-소프트웨어융합대학 트랙 관리 프로그램
Reporting application for maruti suzuki car dealership