Connect your DualSense Controller, use Adaptive Triggers, Emulate Xbox 360 or DualShock 4 through USB or Bluetooth on PC
翻译 - 连接您的 DualSense 控制器,使用自适应触发器,通过 USB 或 PC 上的蓝牙模拟 Xbox 360 或 DualShock 4
Translates the inputs from the Dualsense into XInput making it compatible with any PC Game
Use DualSense's features and emulate Xbox 360 controller and DualShock 4
[Project Suspended] A lightweight tool to use DualSense on Windows based on ViGEm. Supports Adaptive Triggers for GTA V.
A ROS1 Node to integrate the DualSense 5 (PS5) Controller into the ROS ecosystem, including feedback messages to set leds, adaptive triggers etc.
Open Source repository focused on reverse engineering the PSVR2, and exposing access to its full range of features.
Adaptive triggers, meet Dirt Rally 2. Dirt Rally 2, meet adaptive triggers.
Emulate Xbox 360 Controller while also getting the functionality of a DualSense Controller
DualSense X - Enhanced Controller Integration 🎮⚙️