OpenMessaging Benchmark Framework
Dockerfile for the ActiveMQ Artemis Project
Reference engine for event-driven applications
.NET CORE Client for Apache ActiveMQ Artemis
.NET Client for Apache ActiveMQ Artemis
Helm Chart for ActiveMQ Artemis
AMQ Broker Operator Helm Enhancement
Red Hat JBoss AMQ 7 High Availability Replicated Demo (Shared Nothing)
OpenShift S2I image/templates and accompanying test suite showcasing various AMQ7 broker/router topologies.
Set of extension methods for integration of ActiveMQ Artemis .NET Client with ASP.NET Core based projects.
Red Hat Integration: AMQ Broker Workshop
Custom Dynatrace JMX plug-in for ActiveMQ Artemis broker processes.
Apache ActiveMQ Artemis Console
Test suite showcasing various AMQ 7 Reference Architecture broker/router topologies on OpenShift
A Demo Application for JMS Messaging - built with Spring Boot + Apache's ActiveMQ Artemis.