A collection of CTF write-ups, pentesting topics, guides and notes. Notes compiled from multiple sources and my own lab research. Topics also support OSCP, Active Directory, CRTE, eJPT and eCPPT.
Automated Active Directory Enumeration
Penetration Testing For - Web | Mobile | API | Thick Client | Source Code Review | DevSecOps | Wireless | Network Pentesting, etc...
#博客#This Repository contains my CRTP cum Red Teaming Active Directory attack and Defence preparation notes.
Crackmapexec custom scripts used in my internal pentests.
Centralized Active Directory Auditing Tool
Hands-on projects for beginners to learn and practice Active Directory monitoring using various tools.
My cyber security notes.
A user-friendly and powerful tool to analyze Windows Security Events
AR.PY - Admin and React simplifies the account managing in order to make managing, disabling and password resetting automated.
This project can be used to reset user password in LDAP server, we use the Python and LDAP protocol to manager users in Directory Server.
Web Application that provides Active Directory Reports
Introductory AD Pentesting Notes