Bloodhound Reporting for Blue and Purple Teams
翻译 - 蓝色和紫色团队的猎犬
Generate BloodHound compatible JSON from logs written by ldapsearch BOF, pyldapsearch and Brute Ratel's LDAP Sentinel
Identify the attack paths in BloodHound breaking your AD tiering
翻译 - 确定 BloodHound 中破坏 AD 分层的攻击路径
Python based Bloodhound data converter from the legacy pre 4.1 format to 4.1+ format
Tool for issuing manual LDAP queries which offers bofhound compatible output
An easy way to convert BloodHound output files into data that can be imported into reporting software like Dradis and Plextrac. Built by Layer 8.
Custom BloodHound Queries