Tool to bypass 403/40X response codes.
Bypass 4xx HTTP response status codes and more. The tool is based on Python Requests, PycURL, and HTTP Client.
FourOhMe is a tool for testing HTTP headers on a website in order to try to bypass 40* HTTP codes. Written in Go, so easy to install and fast out of the box.
NetShift DNS Changer Application For Windows
Using this tool, you can fuzz your 403/401 endpoint and try to access it without any restrictions. You can also customize your payloads and update them regularly
403Override is a powerful cybersecurity tool designed to bypass HTTP 403 Forbidden responses, enabling secure access to restricted resources.
Patch for SPEC CPU2006 403.gcc
in this application you can define some category and insert url to each category, next setup proxy server of your browser to this application, then traffic filtering will be applied to your internet b...
bypass 403 responses (or try to). you can bypass other responses as well (or try to).
A simple python cross platfrom script just made in python for 403 & 401 Bypasses it specially for CTF
Fork of Custom Error Pages by @jesinwp with custom improvements.