Gallery of Apache Zeppelin notebooks
Docker build for Zeppelin, a web-based Spark notebook
Ambari service for Apache Zeppelin notebook
#计算机科学#Zeppelin 화재 뉴스 기사 분류 예제
Zeppelin notebook examples
Some notebook examples related to Apache Spark, IPython / Jupyter, Zeppelin
Kirk's Zeppelin Notebooks
Conversion utility from Zeppelin notes to Jupyter notebooks.
Zeppelin Studio - Zeppelin Notebooks IDE using Vue.js
A repository for jupyter/zeppelin/etc notebooks.
Zeppelin docker
Web-based notebook that enables data-driven, interactive data analytics and collaborative documents with SQL, Scala and more.
翻译 - 基于Web的笔记本,可通过SQL,Scala等实现数据驱动的交互式数据分析和协作文档。
A Scalable, High-Performance Distributed Key-Value Platform
Zeppelin is a moderation bot for Discord, designed with large servers and reliability in mind.
Highly efficient Minecraft server
Jupyter Interactive Notebook
翻译 - Jupyter交互式笔记本
Interactive and Reactive Data Science using Scala and Spark.
Jupyter Notebook
Custom Jupyter Notebook Themes
翻译 - 自定义Jupyter笔记本主题
Jupyter Notebook Conversion
Apache Zeppelin parcel and CSD for Cloudera Manager
The knowledge tinkerer's notebook
Hadoop, Hive, Spark, Zeppelin and Livy: all in one Docker-compose file.