YARD is a Ruby Documentation tool. The Y stands for "Yay!"
翻译 - YARD是Ruby文档工具。 Y代表“是!”
release canditate: https://rc.afetharita.com/
This repo consists of multiple machine learning based projects with frontend
Загрузка и обработка релизов конфигураций 1С
Yet Another Radio Dongle
Tidy methods for measuring model performance
afetharita.com backend projesi
Engine Yard specific capistrano recipes
YARD extension that adds Cucumber Features, Tags, and Step Definitions
Doctests from YARD examples
My dnsmasq brings all the boys to the yard, and they're like, it's smaller than yours! -- @andyshinn
rfcat-rolljam is a python script to easily "jam", capture, and replay rolling code signals using two yard stick one devices and rfcat.
使用逆波兰表达式(Reverse Polish notation)以及调度场算法(Shunting-yard algorithm)实现的通用计算框架。