⚡ @vitejs integration module for @expressjs
ReactJS Game Landing Page | ReactJS SASS ViteJS
Infinite scroll component compatible with vuejs-3 and vitejs
Wordpress + ViteJS + TailwindCSS development example theme, similar to Tailpress but without additional code added
@vitejs template for @vuejs 2+@vuetifyjs+TypeScript
Basic setup with JS and ViteJs for Webflow sites!
Use pro-layout in vitejs. preview https://sendya.github.io/preview-pro/index.html
The all-in-one Vite plugin for React projects.
Vite Vue Plugins
A Solidjs library for working with forms. Demo: https://stackblitz.com/edit/vitejs-vite-mmmzfj?file=src/Example.tsx.
Vitejs starter using React & Typescript. Styling done with TailwindCSS using JIT mode. Testing done using Vitest.
Another vue admin. It is based on Vue3, Vitejs, TypeScript and Element Plus UI. It's awesome and effective!