Integration of ViteJS in a Django project.
⚡ @vitejs integration module for @expressjs
@vitejs + @vuejs 3+@Vuetifyjs 3
ReactJS Game Landing Page | ReactJS SASS ViteJS
Simple and unopinionated Vue3 + Electron starter template in TypeScript. Includes ViteJS and Electron Builder
Infinite scroll component compatible with vuejs-3 and vitejs
@vitejs template for @vuejs 2+@vuetifyjs+TypeScript
Wordpress + ViteJS + TailwindCSS development example theme, similar to Tailpress but without additional code added
🚀 基于 vitejs 驱动的 uniapp 最佳实践集成模板
Basic setup with JS and ViteJs for Webflow sites!
Vite Vue Plugins
A Solidjs library for working with forms. Demo:
Vitejs starter using React & Typescript. Styling done with TailwindCSS using JIT mode. Testing done using Vitest.
Another vue admin. It is based on Vue3, Vitejs, TypeScript and Element Plus UI. It's awesome and effective!
The all-in-one Vite plugin for React projects.
React Fast Refresh plugin for Vite