TypeORM 是一个 JavaScript/TypeScript ORM框架,可以运行在 NodeJS、Browser、Cordova、PhoneGap、Ionic、React Native、Expo 和 Electron 平台上。
TypeORM module for Nest framework (node.js) 🍇
Generates models for TypeORM from existing database.
🌱 A delightful way to seed test data into your database.
Exemplary real world backend API built with NestJS + TypeORM / Prisma
NestJS boilerplate. Auth, TypeORM, Mongoose, Postgres, MongoDB, Mailing, I18N, Docker.
📃 Pagination response object function + types for typeorm + nestjs
💊 Minimal Express RESTful API boilerplate. Spin it up with single command. TypeScript, TypeORM, Postgres, Docker.
Awesome NestJS Boilerplate 😍, Typescript 💪, Postgres 🎉, TypeORM 🥳
Rest API with JWT authentication and role based authorization using TypeScript Express.js and TypeORM
💊 Fixtures loader for typeorm 🇺🇦
NestJS Boilerplate 😻(Authentication, TypeORM, Configuration, Swagger)
TypeORM and Routing-Controllers integration library.
Nodejs API Server - Express / SQLite / TypeORM | AppSeed
Generate Entity Relationship diagrams for Typeorm powered projects.
A bridge between TypeORM and Aurora Data API
🍱 backend with nest (typescript), typeorm, and authentication
Clean Architecture for node.js projects (Typescript + Express + TypeORM + Typedi)
Row level security (RLS) package for TypeORM and NestJS
The Backend of Nuber Eats Clone: NestJS, TypeORM, Jest, GraphQL
采用nestjs typeorm vue开发的一套权限管理系统