Bonus materials, exercises, and example projects for our Python tutorials
翻译 - Python教程的额外材料,练习和示例项目
Learn and practice React.js in this interactive tutorial with dozens of react exercises.
Learn to Code: Interactive and Auto-graded Tutorials In Javascript
Tutorials and programming exercises for learning Q# and quantum computing
翻译 - 学习Q#和量子计算的教程和编程练习
Dozens of looping exercises to sharpen your looping skills with for, forEach, map, filter, looping a dictionary, looping bidimensional arrays, adding conditions to loops, finding an element, and more!
Practice Functions in Javascript
Exercises for my tutorials on Theano
chisel tutorial exercises and answers
#学习与技能提升#Learn HTML with an interactive and auto-graded tutorial with dozens of exercises.
#学习与技能提升#Practice and learn about bootstrap with this interactive and automatically graded set of video tutorials.
Slides and exercises for the video tutorial at
Code and exercises from Bartosz Milewski's Basics of Haskell Tutorial
翻译 - Bartosz Milewski的Haskell教程基础知识中的代码和练习
Programming exercises for the Stanford Unsupervised Feature Learning and Deep Learning Tutorial
Simscape tutorial exercises from hands-on workshop events.
The repository holds the exercises and solutions for my online OpenMP tutorial series
#学习与技能提升#100+ Python 编程练习题
A set of interactive TypeScript exercises
翻译 - 富有挑战性的TypeScript练习集
This tutorial playlist covers data structures and algorithms in python. Every tutorial has theory behind data structure or an algorithm, BIG O Complexity analysis and exercises that you can practice o...
opencv python exercises