📦✨ your favorite rust -> wasm workflow tool!
WebAssembly for Proxies (Rust SDK)
a template for starting a rust-wasm project to be used with wasm-pack
WebAssembly and Rust: A Web Love Story
RISC-V processor emulator written in Rust+WASM
Example of WebAssembly embedding in Rust using Wasmer
Painless peer-to-peer WebRTC networking for rust wasm (and native!)
🦀️ WASM WebApp template written in Rust
A minimal Electron + WebAssembly (WASM) + 🦀 Rust example.
Unicorn Console: create quick fantasy game in Rust/Python/Lua/Rhai/Wasm !
翻译 - Unicorn Console:创建快速游戏!
Rust + WASM + 神经网络 + 遗传算法
Small, wasm-friendly, zero-dependencies Ed25519 and X25519 implementation for Rust.
Typed bindings to the Screeps in-game API for WASM Rust AIs
A modular toolkit for building fast, reliable Web applications and libraries with Rust and WASM
Reimplementation of Matthias Müller's "Ten Minute Physics" demos in Rust with WASM + WebGL