darknet + ROS2 Humble + OpenCV4 + CUDA 11(cuDNN, Jetson Orin)
This repo provides a template for a quick start with a ROS2 Humble development in Docker
ROS2.0 Foxy and Humble repositories which provide ready-to-use ROS2.0 Gazebo + MoveIt!2 simulation packages for different Industrial and Collaborative Robots.
Create a ros-humble-ros1-bridge package that can be used directly in ROS2 Humble
Raspberry Pi 5 ROS2 Robot Car(ROS2-HUMBLE + Python3)
Tools for ArduPilot ROS2 integration and testing on ROS 2 humble
ROS2 humble Simple-2D-LiDAR-Odometry
[ROS2 humble] Custom gazebo package
AUR Package for ROS 2 Humble
A ROS2 Humble package natively implementing ORB-SLAM3 V1.0 VSLAM framework
Spresense microROS/ROS2(humble) Seminar materials
A ROS2 Humble fully configurable PID library based on Brett Beauregard Arduino PID library
🎛 Humble music player
Mojang's Humble bundle source
The humble incremental-search task switcher for Windows
Code snippets for ROS2
Rust bindings for ROS 2
Humble Bundle integration for GOG Galaxy 2.0
Humble 3D knapsack / bin packing solver
Humble Video: Demuxing, Decoding, Filtering, Encoding and Muxing of 100's of video and audio formats and Codecs from the JVM
A humble blank slate for a modest JavaScript framework
.NET bindings for ROS2
xsens ros2 driver
Slam Gmapping for ROS2
RoboSense LiDAR SDK for ROS & ROS2