Typed Racket
Emacs major and minor modes for Racket: edit, REPL, check-syntax, debug, profile, packages, and more.
book-publishing system [mirror of main repo at https://git.matthewbutterick.com/mbutterick/pollen]
Exercism exercises in Racket.
WIP implementation of a Haskell-like Lisp in Racket
Racket to JavaScript Compiler
vim bundle for Racket
My racket study documentation
RFC 6455 WebSockets support for Racket.
A book about compiling Racket and Python to x86-64 assembly
A small racket webapp system
Methodology and code supporting the BuzzFeed News/BBC article, "The Tennis Racket," published Jan. 17, 2016.
Waxeye is a parser generator based on parsing expression grammars (PEGs). It supports C, Java, JavaScript, Python, Racket, and Ruby.