รายชื่อจังหวัดในประเทศไทย พร้อมอำเภอ
A complete SQL dataset of Vietnamese administrative units, includes Vietnamese provinces, districts and wards
中国省市区最新数据, chinese provinces; 适合 vue项目element ui 的选择器
Aims to be a complete data store for lists of Countries and their related Provinces/States/Regions, since this inexplicably doesn't exist currently.
Download Sri Lanka Provinces Districts Cities Postal Codes Database
Packages the maps of 23 Chinese provinces, 5 autonomous regions for echarts.
state and province lists for countries
Echarts画中国地图所使用的各省份地图数据。包含最新的行政规划。如,西藏那曲地区改为那曲市,山东济南合并莱芜。 后续会根据最新的区域行政规划,及时更新。
Simple drop-in SQL script containing the complete Philippine provinces and cities. Generated from MySQL using PHPMyAdmin.
Thailand's provinces, districts, subdistricts, zip-codes and geographies.
pyecharts map extension - china provinces - python package
Geojson and topojson files for all municipalities, by regions and provinces
Address normalizer tool for China's provinces, cities, districts
✨ A flexible, highly available district picker for picking provinces, cities and districts of China.
Python package to get the names of Chinese cities and provinces
Data of provinces, cities and counties in china. 中国省市县数据。
List of Philippine regions, provinces, cities, municipalities, and their barangays as of the 2019 national elections
The list of all Algerian provinces and cities according to the official division in different formats: csv, xlsx, php, json, etc.
💡A flexible, highly available district selector for picking provinces, cities and districts of China base on weui.js.
Greater Flavor Mod (GFM) This mod is HFM, but further expanded upon, adding bountiful flavour, provinces, historical accuracy changes, etc
An useful China map tool, if you want to do something about data visualization of Chinese provinces