A proof assistant for general type theories
A library for Proof Theory (especially Proof Compression) in Scala.
Programming Language Theory λΠ
翻译 - λΠ编程语言理论
Reinforcement learning theory book about foundations of deep RL algorithms with proofs.
A proof assistant for higher-dimensional type theory
Proof assistant based on first-order logic and set theory
Graph theory visualizations
Javascript taught Music Theory
A General Theory of Reactivity
Spartan type theory
A Proof-oriented Programming Language
Blog: Programming theory, Java, Android
翻译 - 博客:编程理论,Java,Android
Graph theory (network) library for visualisation and analysis
翻译 - 用于可视化和分析的图论(网络)库
Nintendo 3DS "Custom Firmware"
翻译 - Noob-proof(N)3DS“自定义固件”
Game Theory Cheat Sheet
Future-proof content collaboration platform
Ethereum Proof-of-Stake Consensus Specifications
翻译 - 以太坊2.0规范
Proof of Concepts (PE, PDF...)
翻译 - 概念验证(PE,PDF ...)