Use this free API service to get and download random avatars based on username , gender and job for user profile pictures. Perfect for your avatar image needs in projects and prototypes.
Beautifully crafted unique avatar placeholder for your next react project
#安卓#Avatar ImageView with user's name first letter Drawable placeholder
#IOS#📲 Use this extension 🧩 to create letter-based avatars or placeholders 🎭 to be utilized within your app
Simple to use initials avatar generator for iOS. Highly customizable, but with sane defaults. Works great as a avatar placeholder and such.
Figma app plugin for generating placeholder content such as avatars, names, addresses, geo data and more.
Generate awesome avatar placeholders using identicon.
Avatar placeholder service for web developers and designers.
This plugin integrates the Adorable Avatars avatar placeholder service into WordPress.
Beautifully crafted unique avatar placeholder for your next angular project.
Simple and flexible, css only, content placeholder loading animation.
翻译 - 简单灵活,仅CSS,内容占位符加载动画。
Placeholder Caret Animation
翻译 - 占位符插入符号动画
Placeholder/ Skeleton of React Native
Boring avatars is an open source React library that generates custom, SVG-based avatars from any username and color palette.
翻译 - Boring avatars 是一个小型的 JavaScript React 库,可以从任何用户名和调色板生成自定义的、基于 SVG 的圆形头像。
视频会议换脸工具,目前支持Zoom, Skype等
A very compact representation of an image placeholder
Add a placeholder to UITextView.
X-Avatar: Expressive Human Avatars (CVPR2023)
The express middleware for our avatars service