Python Imaging Library (Fork)
翻译 - 友好的PIL前叉(Python Imaging Library)
Responsive Bootstrap 3 Admin Template based on AdminLTE with vue.js
翻译 - 带有vue.js的基于AdminLTE的自适应Bootstrap 3管理模板
pagePiling plugin by Alvaro Trigo. Create a scrolling pile of sections.
“进入编程世界的第一课” 的学习用书
Collect logs for docker containers
OpenPilot Github Mirror
An OpenCV & PIL based sdvx@asphyxia score checker
Utilities and processors built for, and on top of PIL
Pytorch transforms based on numpy arrays instead of PIL Image
Convert split mdt + b%02d files into mbn file
This application uses LIBSVM and PIL to perform image classification on a set of images.
使用python PIL 库将一张照片切分为9张图
PoC + Docker Environment for Python PIL/Pillow Remote Shell Command Execution via Ghostscript CVE-2018-16509
Get image width and height given a file path using minimal dependencies (no need for PIL, libjpeg, libpng, etc)
[4-5 FPS / Core m3 CPU only] [11 FPS / Core i7 CPU only] OpenVINO+DeeplabV3+LattePandaAlpha/LaptopPC. CPU / GPU / NCS. RealTime semantic-segmentaion. Python3.5+Tensorflow v1.11.0+OpenCV3.4.3+PIL
利用adb连接android端,使用adb shell执行抖音的自动化翻页。结合PIL及旷视开放api进行特定人物搜索。
python3网络爬虫笔记与实战源码。记录python爬虫学习全程笔记、参考资料和常见错误,约40个爬取实例与思路解析,涵盖urllib、requests、bs4、jsonpath、re、 pytesseract、PIL等常用库的使用。