Develop desktop GUI applications using PHP, HTML5, JavaScript and SQLite
翻译 - 使用PHP,HTML5,JavaScript和SQLite开发桌面GUI应用程序
👮 A PHP desktop/mobile user agent parser with support for Laravel, based on Mobiledetect
翻译 - Mobile基于Mobiledetect的PHP桌面/移动用户代理解析器,支持Laravel
💻 Send notifications to your desktop directly from your PHP script
翻译 - :computer:直接从PHP脚本向桌面发送通知
A cross-platform desktop app for testing PHP snippets
Desktop application using Laravel Framework
Opensource for - PHP based files uploader for CLI, servers, desktops and mobiles
Zenity allows you to build graphical desktop (GUI) applications in PHP, built on top of ReactPHP.
Create lightweight, installable applications written in HTML, CSS, Javascript, and PHP for the Windows, Mac, and Linux desktop operating systems.
GitHub 桌面客户端。基于 Electron,使用TypeScript、React开发
Elixir library to write Windows, macOS, Linux, Android apps with OTP24 & Phoenix.LiveView
robotjs 是一个 Node.js框架,用来实现PC端电脑自动化的功能,如移动鼠标,模拟按键
#编程语言#PHP 编程语言解释器源码。PHP 是一款流行的脚本语言,简单易学,主要用于 Web 网站开发。
Budgie Desktop is a familiar, modern desktop environment.
Make any web page a desktop application
翻译 - 将任何网页设为桌面应用程序