_, Protected_by_MoonSecV2, Discord = 'discord.gg/gQEH2uZxUk' ,nil,nil;(function() _msec=(function(e,o,l)local R=o[(78+-#{",",{},1})];local G=l[e[(1420-0x2fd)]][e[(0x1f33c/178)]];local r=(-29+0x21)/(...
Inline previews for Plantuml sequence diagrams. OMG!
Repository for th OMG Emotion Challenge
30秒搭建一个功能齐全的REST Mock服务器,用于接口测试数据模拟
OMG-Network repository of Watcher and Watcher Info
A library that makes working with Bluetooth LE on Android a pleasure. Seriously.
Django Access MDB file database backend. Yes, seriously.
💥 Highlight any code, in a colorful way. (seriously 700 bytes)
OpenModelica Microgrid Gym (OMG): An OpenAI Gym Environment for Microgrids
🎨 一个让你跳过canvas,直接绘图的 2d 绘图库,上手简单,接口简洁,功能丰富.
Official payload library for the O.MG line of products from Mischief Gadgets
A collection of my payloads for the bash bunny, rubber ducky, FlipperZero, and OMG cable
OMG-LLaVA and OMG-Seg codebase [CVPR-24 and NeurIPS-24]
WordPress podcasting the way it's meant to be. No mess, no fuss - just you and your content taking over the world. Brought to you by the team at Castos.
翻译 - WordPress播客了它应有的方式。没有混乱,没有大惊小怪-只有您和您的内容占领了世界。
Because seriously how else are you supposed to browse the SMWS menu now
Payloads for the O.MG cables and accessories. Might work for Rubber Ducky too!
Java-based implementation of the OMG SysML-Modelica Transformation (SyM) using MagicDraw SysML
OpenRTM-aist: RT-Middleware and OMG RTC implementation in C++ implemented by AIST
Compass extension to create a 3D text shadow effect
Optimal Motion Generation-tools: motion planning made easy