🚀 Metadata tracking and UI service for Metaflow!
Metadata for projects tracked by Quicklisp.
Data repository tracking HUD metadata for comfig web
JavaScript library for tracking local and remote Salesforce metadata changes.
Code for the Million Song Dataset, the dataset contains metadata and audio analysis for a million tracks, a collaboration between The Echo Nest and LabROSA. See website for details.
A Gradle plugin for Metalava, AOSP's tool for API metadata extraction and compatibility tracking.
A Python project that downloads tracks from soundcloud.com, complete with metadata and album art
An open source data dictionary which can be deployed to track the metadata of one or more databases.
Metadata is a library for metadata management in PHP
Metadata harvester
Java runtime metadata analysis
翻译 - Java运行时元数据分析
iOS app that strips metadata and blurs faces on static images to prevent unwanted tracking
Tate Collection metadata
Tweets metadata scraper & activity analyzer
翻译 - 推文元数据刮板和活动分析器
Tracking ECMAScript Proposals
翻译 - 跟踪ECMAScript提案
DataHub 是由领英的数据团队开源的一款提供元数据搜索与发现的平台
Application metadata descriptor CRD
OpenMetadata is a unified metadata platform for data discovery, data observability, and data governance powered by a central metadata repository, in-depth column level lineage, and seamless team colla...
翻译 - 元数据开放标准。发现、协作和正确获取数据的单一场所。
SignalFx integrations metadata
Image metadata library and tools
翻译 - 图像元数据库和工具