The Service Bus Explorer allows users to connect to a Service Bus namespace and administer messaging entities in an easy manner. The tool provides advanced features like import/export functionality or...
翻译 - 服务总线资源管理器允许用户以简单的方式连接到服务总线名称空间并管理消息传递实体。该工具提供高级功能,例如导入/导出功能或测试主题,队列,订阅,中继服务,通知中心和事件中心的功能。
Resettable entity manager for long running apps (swoole, message consumers)
A Blazor WASM web application that offers end-to-end encrypted file and message transfer using Libsodium, Entity Framework, Hangfire, Docker, NUnit, and Mailkit.
Smack extended with Serverless messaging and Entity Capabilities for J2SE and Android.
The Message Private module provides a message type and associated entity reference fields, enabling sending and receiving private messages using The Message Stack.
MessageML is a markup language used by the Symphony Agent API for representing messages, including formatting (bold, italic, numbered and unnumbered lists etc.) and entity data representing structured...
Entity Messages
Character Entities for HTML, CSS (content) and Javascript.
Audit for Doctrine Entities
Actor Messaging platform
翻译 - 演员消息平台
Fastest HTML entities encode/decode library
Instant Messaging
Structured Interface for Representing Entities, super-rad hypermedia
Delayed Messaging for RabbitMQ
Decentralized cloud messaging
Ruby persistence framework with entities and repositories
Transactional messaging for microservices