Thefatrat a massive exploiting tool : Easy tool to generate backdoor and easy tool to post exploitation attack like browser attack and etc . This tool compiles a malware with popular payload and then ...
翻译 - 该fatrat一个巨大的利用工具:生成后门的简易工具和发布浏览器攻击等攻击的简易工具。此工具会编译具有有效负载的恶意软件,然后可以在Windows,Android,Mac上执行编译的恶意软件。使用此工具创建的恶意软件还具有绕过大多数AV软件保护的功能。
Malware samples for analysis, researchers, anti-virus and system protection testing (1600+ Malware-samples!).
阻止中国流氓软件的管理员授权. / Prevent UAC authorization of Chinese malware.
Visualizing malware behavior, and proactive protection using GANs against zero-day attacks.
Malware samples for analysis, researchers, anti-virus and system protection testing.(5000+ Malware-samples!)
An obfuscation tool for Windows which instruments the Windows Loader into acting as an unpacking engine.
C# Malware that Steal Discord Token Directly From Memory and bypass any kind of token protection
Malware realtime protection. Diploma.
An easy tool to generate backdoor with msfvenom (a part from metasploit framework). This tool compiles a malware with popular payload and then the compiled malware can be execute on windows, android, ...
Herodium is an automatic-integrated-protection-system against malware and malicious traffic
An Global protection scheme..
Rocket.Chat 是特性最丰富的 Slack 开源替代品之一。 主要功能:群组聊天,直接通信,私聊群,桌面通知,媒体嵌入,链接预览,文件上传,语音/视频 聊天,截图等等
sensitive information protection toolkit
syn flood protection
Proxy server to bypass Cloudflare protection
CSRF protection middleware for Go.
翻译 - Go的CSRF保护中间件。
USB Keystroke Injection Protection
Course materials for Malware Analysis by RPISEC
ClassLoader leak prevention / protection
Malware sample library.
malware source codes
APT Malware Dataset Containing over 3,500 State-Sponsored Malware Samples
Energized Protection Magisk Module.
Fix VMProtect Import Protection
翻译 - 修复 VMProtect 导入保护
Password protection for static pages
Linux Malware Detection (LMD)