💞 Filter & sort magical layouts
翻译 - :revolving_hearts:筛选和排序神奇的布局
A Python utility / library to sort imports.
翻译 - 一个用于对导入进行排序的Python实用程序/库。
helloSystem Live and installation ISO
A 500px app built with React and Fluxible with babeljs
ISO 3166-1 country lists merged with their UN Geoscheme regional codes in ready-to-use JSON, XML, CSV data sets
翻译 - ISO 3166-1国家/地区列表与联合国地理信息系统区域代码合并为现成的JSON,XML和CSV数据集
A pure JavaScript implementation of git for node and browsers!
翻译 - git用于节点和浏览器的纯JavaScript实现!
Isomorphic WHATWG Fetch API, for Node & Browserify
翻译 - 同构WHATWG Fetch API,用于Node&Browserify
#IOS#Open source game built in SwiftUI and the Composable Architecture.
翻译 - 开源游戏内置于SWIFTUI和可组合体系结构。
All languages stopwords collection
ISO 8583 gateway
A Python package that provides support for ISO-TP (ISO-15765) protocol
🇳🇴 Lookup information with ISO 3166-1 alpha-2, ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 and ISO 3166-1 numeric
Comprehensive country code information, including ISO 3166 codes, ITU dialing codes, ISO 4217 currency codes, and many others
Go implementation of UDS (ISO-14229) with ISO-TP (ISO-15765) transport for CAN bus data
Script to create unattended Ubuntu ISO
Pure Python ISO 13400 Client
Python implementation of UDS (ISO-14229) standard.
ISO 690 style for biblatex.
Standalone ISO 3166-1 country definitions