💡 A simple NPM Package which returns random Inspirational Quotes. Get your daily quote and stay motivated! ✌️ 🌸
翻译 - :bulb:一个简单的NPM软件包,返回随机的励志名言。获取每日报价并保持动力! :v::cherry_blossom:
📱 Android app to get the latest quotes: Inspirational, Motivational, Love, Funny, Inspirational, Sports ... Quotes to bring positive into your life.
Displays inspirational quotes in a rails app with changing quotes and background
Generate lines, author, and book names from people's favorite books and also inspirational quotes!
🙏 Please CLI - Minimalistic New Tab Page CLI Tool with a greeting, date and time, inspirational quotes and your personal tasks and to-do list
An API full of quotes to bring some joy to your day!
A Discord bot for sending daily inspirational quotes
MQuote provides you +700 Motivational & Inspirational quotes by famous authors, celebrities. Powered by Flutter
Get a daily random inspirational quote delivered direct to your desk with Inkyshot. Build multiple Inkyshots and share the inspiration with your friends, family and loved ones ❤️
Inspirational IoT admin
Random Quotes API
Autocorrect from quotes to backticks
gocolly/colly demo project, crawl quotes from https://www.goodreads.com/quotes
Quotes Gasy aka QG dia mitahiry quotes-na malagasy nalaza na malaza.
An inspirational collection of experimental link effects mostly using transitions on pseudo-elements.
翻译 - 启发性的实验链接效果集合,主要使用伪元素上的过渡。
Vim plugin, insert or delete brackets, parens, quotes in pair
Naruto quotes generator client for DIO lesson.
A Quotes / Quotations / Affirmations App Widget.
A set of inspirational, highly experimental distortion effects for buttons using SVG filters. By Adrien Denat.
翻译 - 使用SVG滤镜为按钮提供了一组鼓舞人心的,高度实验性的失真效果。艾德里安·迪纳特(Adrien Denat)。
get random lyrics/quotes of Taylor Swift
Vim plugin, provides insert mode auto-completion for quotes, parens, brackets, etc.
Displays quotes on your lockscreen, because why not.
Yahoo Finance historical quotes and snapshot data downloader written in Node.js
[DEPRECATED] A simple wrapper for yahoo finance quotes end-point.