A deck tracker and deck manager for Hearthstone on Windows
翻译 - Windows上《炉石传说》的套牌追踪器和套牌管理器
The HearthSim community website
hearthsim sunwell
🎨 Logos, Colors and Guidelines for the HearthSim brands.
HearthSim legal documents (Privacy Policy, Terms of Services, etc)
Simulate number of games to reach legend
An IRC card search bot for #hearthsim [archived]
HearthSim company website
A deck tracker and deck manager for Hearthstone on macOS
Python deserialization library for Unity3D Asset format
Platform to hook into Unity3D assemblies
Hearthstone Data
Just another Hearthstone Simulator in C# .Net Core, with some A.I. approaches!
Canvas-based high quality Hearthstone card renderer - no longer maintained
Hearthstone Python library (CardDefs, DBF, enums, log parser)
Library and tool to extract audio from FSB5 (FMOD Sample Bank) files