该仓库存储了作者创建和使用的各种用途的 Dockerfile 文件
some personally made dockerfile
📦 Dockerfiles from WebDevOps for PHP, Apache and Nginx
Dockerfile for Apache Kafka
Official NGINX Dockerfiles
Dockerfile best-practices for writing production-worthy Docker images.
翻译 - Dockerfile编写有价值的Docker映像的最佳实践。
🐳 A curated list of delicious docker recipes 🇺🇦🇮🇱 (Let's Fight Against Dictatorship)
Official Zabbix Dockerfiles
Dockerfile for many programming languages
Dockerfiles for various common implementations
Dockerfile examples
Dockerfile for postgis
Firebird Dockerfile
Dockerfile for IIS
Dockerfile for terraria
Kafka Manager Dockerfile
ELK Stack Dockerfile
Java Dockerfile for trusted automated Docker builds.
Bro IDS Dockerfile
avbook Dockerfile
ElasticSearch Dockerfile for trusted automated Docker builds.
Nginx Dockerfile for trusted automated Docker builds.
Dockerfile cross-compilation helpers
Ubuntu Dockerfile for trusted automated Docker builds.
JumpServer all-in-one Dockerfile