hook C# method at runtime without modify dll file (such as UnityEditor.dll), works on Windows, Mac, Android il2cpp(armv7a and armv8a)
Full DLL Hooking, phrack 65
Delphi adaptation of MemoryModule — load DLL from memory. Also includes hooking utilities.
An EDR bypass that prevents EDRs from hooking or loading DLLs into our process by hijacking the AppVerifier layer
Dll memory redirection through Hook NtMapViewOfSection
DLL that hooks the NtQuerySystemInformation API and hides a process name
C# Project contains a plenty of Advanced Anti-Debugging, Anti-Virtualization, Anti Dll-Injection and Anti-Hooking Techniques.
A proof of concept injectable C++ dll, that uses naked inline hooking and direct memory modification to change your TeamViewer permissions.
Discord Hooking
Resources About Hooking. For All Platforms. Currently 300+ Tools And 600+ Posts.
A Call of Duty 4 dll to calculate the player's velocity using DirectX 9 hooking to draw the UI
x86/x64 C++ Hooking Library
DirectX API-hooking framework
Windows inline hooking tool.
EasyHook - The reinvention of Windows API Hooking
翻译 - EasyHook-Windows API挂钩的重塑
Hooking Game Graphic Engines!
Exploiting DLL Hijacking by DLL Proxying Super Easily
翻译 - 超级轻松地通过DLL代理利用DLL劫持
Hiding unsigned DLL inside a signed DLL
A hooking example for NodeInject
C++23 procedure hooking library.
Utilizes a kernel driver for hooking steams overlay than manual mapping our dll to the games memory. Has a bunch of features like esp and such.
C++20, x86/x64 Hooking Libary v2.0