Extremely simple implement for CRNN by Tensorflow
CRNN with attention to do OCR,add Chinese recognition
Extremely simple implement for Chinese OCR by PyTorch.
CRNN (CNN+RNN) for OCR using Keras / License Plate Recognition
A repository for OCR, which inlcudes some classical OCR algorithms Pytorch implementation such as CTPN, EAST and CRNN.
Lightweight CRNN for OCR (including handwritten text) with depthwise separable convolutions and spatial transformer module [keras+tf]
Pytorch implementation of OCR system using CRNN + CTCLoss
ocr, cnn+lstm+ctc, crnn, recognition model, tensorflow
Pytorch implementation of CRNN (CNN + RNN + CTCLoss) for all language OCR.
基于pytorch的ocr算法库,包括 psenet, pan, dbnet, sast , crnn
(CRNN) Chinese Characters Recognition.
ctcloss + centerloss crnn text recognition
超轻量级中文ocr,支持竖排文字识别, 支持ncnn、mnn、tnn推理 ( dbnet(1.8M) + crnn(2.5M) + anglenet(378KB)) 总模型仅4.7M
Based on crnn add Chinese recognition
翻译 - yolo3 + ocr
[python3.6] 运用tf实现自然场景文字检测,keras/pytorch实现ctpn+crnn+ctc实现不定长场景文字OCR识别
Convolutional Recurrent Neural Networks(CRNN) for Scene Text Recognition