Seamlessly execute commands (composer, bower, compass) in isolation using docker and make.
Provide a `push` command to composer to push to repositories
🏗️ A tool to quickly set up the base files of a PHP library project.
Composer GUI. Manage Laravel dependencies from web interface without switching to command line!
Useful commands for every Developer - composer, travis ci, symfony etc
A Terminus plugin for running Composer commands on a Pantheon site
⏱ PHP performance tool analyser your script on time, memory usage and db query. Support Laravel and Composer for web, web console and command line interfaces.
🚀 Composer template for Drupal projects. Quick installation via "composer create-project drupal-composer/drupal-project"
翻译 - :rocket:Drupal项目的Composer模板。通过“ composer create-project drupal-composer / drupal-project”快速安装
composer parallel install plugin
翻译 - 作曲家并行安装插件
The Composer of ggplots
Simple static Composer repository generator - For a full private Composer repo use Private Packagist
翻译 - 简单的静态Composer存储库生成器-对于完整的私有Composer存储库,请使用Private Packagist
Show unused composer dependencies by scanning your code
翻译 - 通过扫描代码显示未使用的Composer依赖性
The core Laravel CMS Composer package
翻译 - Statamic 3 Beta:核心软件包
Detect unused composer dependencies
翻译 - 检测未使用的作曲家依赖性
#计算机科学#Supercharge Your Model Training
😎 A curated awesome list for Composer, Packagist, Satis, Plugins, Scripts, Composer related resources, tutorials.
A Multi-Framework Composer Library Installer
翻译 - 多框架Composer库安装程序
Semantic versioning utilities with the addition of version constraints parsing and checking.
翻译 - 语义版本控制实用程序,其中包含版本约束解析和检查功能。
#效率工具集合#tldr 是一个命令用法帮助查询工具,比传统的 man 命令更好用。
Official docker-composer for wallabag.
A workbench for developing Composer packages.
翻译 - 用于开发Composer软件包的工作台。