Circuit Breakers in Go
Python "Circuit Breaker" implementation
Spring Cloud Circuit Breaker API and Implementations
Resilience4j 是一个轻量级容错框架,设计灵感来源于Netflix 的Hystrix框架,为函数式编程所设计。
A context aware circuit breaker library in Go.
A Spring Boot demo which shows how to use the Resilience4j Spring Boot Starter
Samples demonstrating how to using Spring Cloud Circuitbreaker
.NET Circuit Breaker Pattern Frameworks
Circuit Breaker pattern for .NET
.NET Components for Externalized Configuration, Database Connectors, Service Discovery, Logging and Distributed Tracing, Application Management, Security, and more.
翻译 - Steeltoe核心组件:CircuitBreaker,配置,连接器,发现,记录,管理和安全性
Sample spring cloud gateway project to show how to use resilience4j as a gateway circuitbreaker
Spring Cloud Micro Services with Eureka Discovery, Zuul Proxy, OAuth2 Security, Hystrix CircuitBreaker, Sleuth Zipkin, ELK Stack Logging, Kafka, Docker and many new features