A python chatbot framework with Natural Language Understanding and Artificial Intelligence.
Opensource Korean chatbot framework
Chatbot framework
✨ Textbase is a simple framework for building AI chatbots. ✨
#自然语言处理#💬 Open source machine learning framework to automate text- and voice-based conversations: NLU, dialogue management, connect to Slack, Facebook, and more - Create chatbots and voice assistants
翻译 - 💬开源机器学习框架可自动执行基于文本和语音的对话:NLU,对话管理,连接到Slack,Facebook等-创建聊天机器人和语音助手
Chatbot based on Rasa Framework
The chatbot framework for your serious projects
chatbot builder framework
CSML is an easy-to-use chatbot programming language and framework.
Awesome Chatbot Projects,Corpus,Papers,Tutorials.Chinese Chatbot =>:
all-in-one, 让你在一个App中同时使用ChatGPT & Bing Chat,
LLaMA v2 Chatbot
Chatbot based on gpt3.5 built using Django and REST framework
NMT Chatbot
Python ChatBot 💬
A Chatbot chat app built using the Flutter framework and OpenAI's GPT-3 language model.
LLM as a Chatbot Service