#安卓#A fork of our clean architecture boilerplate, this time using the Android Architecture Components
Clean Architecture Template for Blazor WebAssembly Built with MudBlazor Components.
翻译 - 使用Mudblazor组件建造的Blazor Webassembly的清洁架构模板。
#安卓#The implementation of Android "Architecture Components" sample explained by Google : https://developer.android.com/topic/libraries/architecture/guide.html
#安卓#Kotlin demo project that uses some Android Architecture Components (ViewModel and LiveData) with Dagger 2 and Coroutines
#安卓#The template project that uses Android Architecture Components with Repository pattern. The simple app that uses awesome Fuel library instead of Retrofit for perfoming HTTP request. The app also persi...
Android MVVM Architecture Components based on MVPArms and Android Architecture Components.
#安卓#Sample used to practice Kotlin and Android Architecture Components.
#安卓#This is a sample app that uses Android Architecture Components with Kotlin and Dagger 2.
Samples for Android Architecture Components.
翻译 - Android体系结构组件的示例。
Sample app using Android architecture components
Modern Collaboration Architecture components (documentation/architecture) + powerapp
Redux-inspired Android architecture library leveraging Architecture Components and Kotlin Coroutines
NationalGeographic with Android Architecture Components(Lifecycle) & Kotlin
#安卓#Learning Project (Movie App) For Applying Android Architecture Components And Clean Architecture Using MVVM With Kotlin
Architecture documentation that describes the components being built under Metal³.
#安卓#Model-View-ViewModel architecture components for mobile (android & ios) Kotlin Multiplatform development
Android MVP sample adapts with new Android architecture components (Lifecycle, Room).
#安卓#Pet project using Clean Architecture + MVVM + Reactive Extensions + Android Architecture Components. The data are fetched from LondonTheatreDirect API. 🎭