Automated letsencrypt/certbot certificate request and deploy script for Zimbra hosts
Files to automate the deployment process of Let's Encrypt certificates to Zimbra Collaboration Suite
A reliable software written in Shell Script to help you in your daily task to backup and restore mails and accounts from Zimbra Open Source Email Platform. Project in deprecation process. Please help ...
Zimbra <9.0.0.p27 RCE
Configurations of my logstash: logstash, filebeat, grok patterns: sshd, postfix, apache, sysdig, zimbra mailbox.log, zimbra zimbra.log, Datadog Dogstatsd, fail2ban
Zimbra Unauthenticated Remote Code Execution Exploit (CVE-2022-27925)
Zimbra CVE-2022-27925 PoC
RCE exploit for attack chain in "A Saga of Code Executions on Zimbra" post
Zm SSO is the Zimbra Collaboration Open Source Edition extension for single sign-on authentication to the Zimbra Web Client.
Ansible Role - Single-Server Zimbra
#安全# OpenPGP Secure Zimlet - Sign, verify, encrypt, and decrypt email with OpenPGP/MIME for Zimbra
🐳 ActiveSync + Autodiscover for Zimbra with Z-push and Docker