Log work hours and get notified when it's time to leave the office and start to live.
翻译 - 记录工作时间并在下班和开始生活时得到通知。
Go (golang) calendar library for dealing with holidays and work days
A PowerShell module with functions to help calculate working hours, and for generally working with or calculating business hours / date times.
A php application to track hours of work
Determine whether a given date is within office hours
.NET Library to generate in-memory calendars with holidays and working hours
Measure the amount of time during work hours between two dates
🕒 A flexible tool for calculating the total number of working hours in a given month, considering public holidays and customizable working days.
Application for keeping track of your working hours.
An Angular component that allows you to show and manage business hours
Predicting Child Labour Risks by Norms in India, by Jihye Kim, Wendy Olsen, and Arkadiusz Wiśniowski in the journal Work, Employment and Society 2022
A simple tool to log your working hours
The working schedule involves alternating 12-hour day and night shifts, followed by periods of 24 and 48 hours off, respectively.
Projetos e Scripts úteis em DAX e Linguagem M para Power BI
📈⏰ Project and Time Tracking Tool with Data Visualization 📊
A sample implementation of WorkingHoursWShifts library using Xamarin