A collection of captive portals for phishing using a WiFi Pineapple
🍓📡🍍Monitor illegal wireless network activities. (Fake Access Points), (WiFi Threats: KARMA Attacks, WiFi Pineapple, Similar SSID, OPN Network Density etc.)
📡🍓🍍 Detects wireless network attacks performed by KARMA module (fake AP). Starts deauthentication attack (for fake access points)
Tutorials and Documentation for projects and scripts on the Hak5 Forums.
The work intends to test the data security of the IoT system since extremely sensitive data is being sent. Vulnerabilities that can lead to the leak of this personal data is found. This project illust...
15,000 most of common SSID names from https://wigle.net/stats#ssidstats
Quick solution for installing dependencies on the Wifi-Pineapple Nano / Tetra