🤖💤 High-contrast, Futuristic & Vibrant Neovim Colorscheme
#编辑器#🪨 A collection of contrast-based Vim/Neovim colorschemes
Warm Green Theme for Neovim and Beyond
🐚 Soothing pastel theme for WezTerm
#编辑器#Lua port of Jellybeans.vim
✨ Looking for a theme that fits your vibe? Whether you're into dark mode, light mode, or something in between, this NekoNight has got you covered. Written in Lua for snappy performance, it's a buffet ...
A dark Wezterm theme, inspired by IBM Carbon.
Arch Linux dotfiles
#编辑器#cozy high contrast theme for neovim
Canonical Solarized color scheme for Wezterm
A color scheme written in Lua, designed to support Treesitter and LSP while meeting AA contrast standards. The scheme ensures perceptually uniform hues in the OKlab color space. Available ports inclu...
Gruvbox theme wezterrm, my wezterm config.
port of vibrant Embark color theme to wezterm terminal
Personal configuration for wezterm
Custom WezTerm configuration with enhanced aesthetics, dynamic theming, and efficient keybindings.
Yet another wezterm config based on dracula color scheme.