Web Screenshots at scale based on headless chrome
翻译 - 基于无头Chrome的Web截图
📸 Generate Webpage Screenshots Using the Statically API
A python3 package which Can Create Images From url, Html-CSS, Svg and from any readable file and texts with many setup features.
A simple web API to generate image from a url, made using shelf package.
WebsShot is a simple library that allows you to take screenshot of given HTML or Markdown code.
A simple API to get full page screenshots of a page using chrome.
A microservice to take screenshots of web pages using puppeteer.
Take a screenshot of a whole web page (including the page below the fold and dynamically loaded images)
webshot is a free website screenshotting library in golang
A small utility to generate screen shots from web pages
EyeShot is a tool written in python3 designed to take screenshots for a list of websites and collect basic info about.
Capture the web in many ways from the command line