#安卓#To take screenshots easily with Android 5.0 API.{优雅地实现屏幕截图,用android 5.0之后的录屏API实现}
XCap is a cross-platform screen capture library written in Rust. It supports Linux (X11, Wayland), MacOS, and Windows. XCap supports screenshot and video recording (WIP).
A screen-sharing / remote collaboration software written in Rust
#IOS#Prevent screenshot or screenrecording on iOS devices
Small tool to disable macOS 15's annoying new screencapture nag popups
Record Zoom meetings automatically in headless docker container with Python and FFmpeg
#安卓#Drop-in Android Screen Recording Library
A Swift framework to easily capture the screen on OS X.
📸 Automate capturing screenshots of apps and windows on macOS
Capture a screenshot with effect and display it. Light-weight, non-realtime, no-camera (and no-PostProcessingStack), but be effective enough. The captured snapshot can be used as a background for a UI...
#IOS#iOS screen capture player for macOS with chroma key filter for starlight stage
macOS command line utility to retrieve the CGWindowID of the specified window (potentially useful for `screencapture`).
ScreenLink - The Open Source Loom Alternative
Use rofi and ffcast to perform various types of screenshots and screen captures
An Android OTT Box live mediaplayer app based on vlc git-3.0.0 version
#IOS#Syntax sugar of OpenTok iOS SDK with Audio/Video communication including screen sharing