功能齐全、高度可配置化、支持自定义 HTTP/S,FTP/S 和 WebDAV 的 SFTP 服务。 一些存储后端支持:本地文件系统、加密本地文件系统、S3(兼容)对象存储,Google Cloud 存储,Azure Blob 存储,SFTP。
阿里云盘 WebDAV 服务
A file server that supports static serving, uploading, searching, accessing control, webdav...
阿里云盘(https://www.aliyundrive.com/) 的webdav协议开源实现
Self-deployable file hosting service for red teamers, allowing to easily upload and share payloads over HTTP and WebDAV.
翻译 - 为红色团队成员提供的可自行部署的文件托管服务,允许通过HTTP和WebDAV轻松上传和共享有效负载。
Portable file server with accelerated resumable uploads, dedup, WebDAV, FTP, TFTP, zeroconf, media indexer, thumbnails++ all in one file, no deps
Torrent client with HTTP, fuse, and WebDAV interfaces. Start exploring your torrent files right away, even zip, rar, or 7zip archive contents!
翻译 - :open_file_folder::arrow_right::tv::notes::video_game:Torrent客户端,具有按需下载的文件作为文件系统。
A SimpleHTTPServer written in Go, enhanced with features and with a nice design - https://goshs.de
#Awesome#A curated list of awesome apps that support WebDAV and tools related to it.
JmalCloud It's a private cloud storage project that makes it simple and secure to manage your files in the cloud. JmalCloud 是一款私有云存储网盘项目,能够简单安全管理您的云端文件
A totally simple and very easy to configure stand alone webdav server
Free file hosting service (WebUI & WebDAV) using CloudFlare R2
Aurora Files is an open-source file storage platform.
Lightweight NextCloud compatible WebDAV server
Rust WebDAV server library. A fork of the webdav-handler crate.
WebDAV-Server for .NET using ASP.NET Core