A file server that supports static serving, uploading, searching, accessing control, webdav...
A self-hosted cloud disk base on the cloud storage./ 一个基于云存储的网盘系统,用于自建私人网盘或企业网盘。
Dorisoy.Pan 是基于.net core8 的跨平台文档管理系统,使用 MS SQL 2012 / MySql8.0(或更高版本)后端数据库,您可以在 Windows、Linux 或 Mac 上运行它,项目中的所有方法都是异步的,支持令牌基身份验证,项目体系结构遵循著名的软件模式和最佳安全实践。源代码是完全可定制的,热插拔且清晰的体系结构,使开发定制功能和遵循任何业务需求变得容易。 系统使...
ZoneTree is a persistent, high-performance, transactional, and ACID-compliant ordered key-value database for .NET. It operates seamlessly both in-memory and on local/cloud storage, making it an ideal ...
用于vue框架的文件管理器插件,云盘、网盘。File manager plug-in for vue framework, cloud disk.
Cloud Disk based on NAS smart contract: Nebula disk
#博客#a vscode plugin for storing notes to remote webdav server conveniently. vscode同步笔记文件到网盘。
A cloud disk implemented by golang, mainly to experience microservice containerization and other technologies, which only implement basic functions