All of the code that runs on
翻译 - 在worldcubeassociation.org上运行的所有代码
Regulations and Guidelines for the World Cube Association.
🔀 An HTML library to display puzzle scrambles. No knowledge of Javascript required!
Everything I have about FMC (Rubik's Cube Fewest Moves Challenge WCA event)
#算法刷题#UF5 is an algset to cycle 5 edge pieces. The code/pdf/images in this repository will be extracting efficient algorithms from Cube Explorer.
Generate WCA scrambles for the Rubik's Cube and other twisty puzzles on the command line!
#安卓#Rubik's Cube notation keyboard for Android.
Fewest Moves is a website developed for people who want to practice the FMC event. It hosts a weekly competition where 3 scrambles are given to the participants and they have one hour to find the shor...
Um script que manda um e-mail quando há um campeonato novo na WCA. A script which send an e-mail when there's a new WCA competition. Integrates the WCA's and the Google Sheets API, the subscription is...
Spring SDK for IBM Watson Campaign Automation (former Silverpop Engage) XML API
A Rubik's cube timer application inspired by ChaoTimer and csTimer built using SolidJS, Typescript, TailwindCSS, and Capacitor.
A http server to generate cube's scrambles and images