All of the code that runs on
翻译 - 在worldcubeassociation.org上运行的所有代码
🛠 A library for displaying and working with twisty puzzles. Also currently home to the code for Twizzle.
▶️ Multi-purpose puzzle viewer – the old generation of alg/reconstruction viewing and sharing. Superseded by Twizzle.
Community and timer for the Rubik's Cube
Regulations and Guidelines for the World Cube Association.
Simple, modern speedcubing timer with many utilities, built with SwiftUI & UIKit.
The functionality of `twisty.js` is now part of `cubing.js`. Please see:
Cross platform desktop cubing timer
🖼 Icons for WCA events, unofficial events, and competition-related concepts.
Nexus Timer is a powerful unopinionated, minimalist training tool for SpeedCubing.
The functionality of `alg.js` is now part of `cubing.js`. Please see:
🔀 An HTML library to display puzzle scrambles. No knowledge of Javascript required!
This project is now part of `cubing.js`:
Take your cubing skills to the moon 🚀🌕