Power management, monitoring and VirtualSMC plugin for AMD processors
翻译 - 适用于AMD处理器的电源管理,监控和VirtualSMC插件
XPS15-9560-Ventura, Q群:161385229
Unofficial automated Hackintosh Kext build, triggers every day. 非官方自动化黑苹果常用驱动编译,每日更新一次。
A VirtualSMC plugin provides native macOS support for ALS, keyboard backlight and Fn keys on Asus laptops
My hackintosh files & hardware info
Hackintosh Build with i7-7700k, AMD R9 390 + iGPU enabled for Multi Monitor on macOS Mojave
About XPS15-9560-Ventura, Q群:161385229
CLI for AMDRyzenCPUPowerManagement that reads wattage, temperature and frequencies on macOS