🌿 Leaflet4Vaadin 🌿 provides a Java API for Leaflet, which is a popular map implementation, similar to Google Maps. Leaflet is lightweight and shines on mobile devices. Also it has an extens...
Some extra Vaadin 14 / 24 components that support localisation, plus (hopefully) more.
Vaadin 14 demo application (DevDays May / 2019)
Project template for generic add-ons for Vaadin. Publish your add-on in https://vaadin.com/directory
Spring Boot + Vaadin + Spring Data JPA CRUD Example
Lit Wrap around Swagger UI (https://swagger.io/tools/swagger-ui/) for Vaadin 14 and Vaadin 23
Simplified bean populated table component for Vaadin 14 backed by a dataprovider.
#算法刷题#StartChess is a PvP chess game as a web application. Built using Vaadin and Spring Boot. Chess engine implemented from the ground using Java. StartChess is a proof of concept (POC).
Test project using springboot, vaadin 23, gradle, groovy
Building Vaadin UIs in Groovy pleasantly with DSL
TwinColSelect component for Vaadin 14, 23 and 24
FilesystemDataProvider is a data model add-on for 14 and 23 (Flow) providing hierarchical data of the ftp and filesystem, including File select components.
IDLE, base de editor de texto inicial para adaptarlo a un compilador o interprete
This is a demonstration project of how Vaadin's Upload component is sometimes sending AllFinishedEvent premature (before all SucceededEventListeners are finished). vaadin-flow-components issue no. 44...
An extension of Vaadin 14.X PolymerTemplate class that enables server-side access to properties defined in the template.